miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

The good management of business email

The mail accounts of a company are of utmost importance for its internal communication, external and the fulfillment of the objectives. And contrary to what you might think, managing them can pay dividends.

It is recommended to have order and organization through folders that divide the different topics that employees deal with, especially if they are distributor emails for which it is also important to consider the dates of receipt of the mails.

As for the client emails, a folder for each is required since there will be the offers and everything concerning the contractual relationship, say an example, can be located in them.

Emails that deal with to-do tasks must be placed in the inbox before they can be viewed upon entering the account. In this case, it is recommended to differentiate them by colors according to their importance.

The content of SPAM, which can affect the same system or technology equipment, so a filter is required to direct those unwanted emails to a special folder. It is recommended that SPAMS be periodically checked as some may terminate in other folders and cause significant e-mail loss.

Controlling the quality of services in your company will make it stronger. At MVP Business Strategy we will be able to support you if you need help in your business regarding the Quality Control of your processes and services.


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