An identity and image audit helps to give a diagnostic of the message that a Company is giving to its interior and exterior. Its aim is to check the logo, isotype, cultural characteristic and visual identity that corporate image possess.
Company´s moral purpose and responsibility with the society and his human resources embrace cultural characteristics; visual identity lays in the name, slogan, emblems, icons and other elements.
The audit begins when they apply technicians of qualitative and quantitative investigation that will help to improve guidelines and normative that give access to the taking of decisions on what will modify and what will conserve when the analysis finalize.
The study will show data and information referents to the customers and the objective public to know if the evolution of the relation with the people is giving of effective way and in case that this data was negative to know what is what has failed.
The audit comprises three phases, which recommends Montserrat García, communicacional consultant:
Phase 1: Analysis
Know the historical evolution of the company. Study the image (in terms of name, slogan, logo, symbols, emblems, icons, etc.) from within the company based on the culture of the company and what the employees express from the organizational climate.
Evaluate the image from the outside through the media and public opinion, deepening the responsibility it has with society.
To know in depth the commercial image, the value of the products and the customer and the service to this one.
Gathering information about the current Target and what it involves: segmentation of the target audience, correct selection of messages and who will receive them.
Phase 2: Unification of the Mark-Execution
If necessary, create a Basic Corporate Identity Manual. Encourage internal communication through internal communications, newsletters, social networks, blog, website, etc., with a personalized touch.
On the outside, work with the press, plan the performance of communication channels and how they will work.
Phase 3: Quality control and monitoring
Monitoring to certify that the identity presented is correct with respect to the image that people distinguish.
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